Tuesday, May 17, 2011

oh me oh my

this weekend i am getting married.
i will be a wife in 5 days.
5 teeny tiny days.
the flowers have been ordered
the cake and desserts have been decided
my wedding hair has been practiced
and i am happy.
so happy.
i thought by this point i would be freaking out
but i am not.
i am calm.
my computer crashed this morning
and there are supposed to be thunderstorms all day sunday
but somehow i don't care.
i am blessed
and excited
and i can't stop smiling
and i am so, so in love.

so here's to my wedding day.
may it be full of beautiful moments
and love.

i will be back to blogging after my honeymoon.
have a wonderful couple of weeks, everyone.

(pretty peony picture from here)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

be still my heart

bennett and i took baby jack to the zoo today.
i will say more about it in another post with more pictures,
but for now
i have to share this photo with you...

it honestly makes me want to cry.
he is going to be such an incredible father one day
and i cannot wait to begin our little family.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

a happy list for may

i had forgotten how happy happy-lists make me.
here we go...

1. i am done with my last semester of classes (no graduation until december though)
2. the warm sunshine on my shoulders and face
3. knowing that in a couple weeks i will be laying on the beaches of spain, france, and italy
4. maxi dresses, heels, and red lipstick
5. my hair is finally getting longer
6. i got a job at the art museum in nashville and i could NOT be more excited
7. having the time to read a book
8. hot summer nights with my love and a bottle of wine
9. playing at the park with baby jack
10. getting to marry my best friend in 17 days

oh, i am so happy
so, so happy


i did it.
i am done.
i just finished my last assignment!
now i can focus completely on the wedding during these next 2 weeks.
oh, and sleeeeeeeeeeep a lot...